Jan 30, 2010

Post-exam Update

Exam was over like, a couple of days ago, and i used the next two days adjusting my biological cock.. =.= so now, im tired, and i mean tired for the whole day, day and nite, 24/7.. much thanks to 'a cup of coffee a day, keeps your sleep away', i had like, almost 15-20 cup of coffee for the whole exam period, and for the last 3 days of exam, i had only 6 hours of sleep (for the 3 days) and now im practically tired the whole time >.<

So, exam was in the previous chapter, its gonna be CNY soon, and it means i'll be going to shop for my new clothes, in fact, i will be going to Gurney Plaza with mum and sis soon.. oya, dad's in a company trip to Bangkok, enjoying the sun, the tut-tuts, the temples, the...(don't really like Thailand, so i don't really care what do they have there) so, practically he is enjoying there, and enjoying his photography sessions there @.@ will wait for the photos..

Not really in a mood of blogging now actually, but my blog seemed lifeless, so thought of adding some updates to it.. haha.. just recovered from the sore throat + flu + cough i got from my exam period, just in time to get well for CNY.. god bless.. lol..

Since CNY is so near, i'd like to make a request for an item. XD i hereby announce that i SERIOUSLY need a watch, and dad, i had been asking for like ages, so why don't you just buy me 1? *wink wink* I even watched out for your budget, this cheap watch:

instead of the expensive:

and :

See, i do watch out for your wallet, dad, the 1st watch is like 1/70 of the second watch and 1/10 of the third watch.. im such a good kid XD

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Jan 6, 2010

The Jun's 3 'Self' Rule

This post would probably be the last update i'll make until the end of my examinations, which is on the 27th of January.

The examination worries me, but 1 thing worries me even more.. my life and studies after the diploma.. My parents made me realize that IF (a big IF here) i were to go to Aus to continue my studies, i must work not just to earn myself a living, but also to subsidize part of my own tuition fee.

Let me do the calculations here:
Each week, i would have to work for 20hours (minimum), attend around 20hours of class, take around 20hours of bus to school (2hours per way, to-and-fro means 4hours per day, 5days per week means 20hours per week). Sum all up and it will be 60hours.

Each week, we have 7x24hours = 168
1/3 of the time goes to sleeping = 1/3 x 168 = 56
Left time = 168-60-56 = 52hours

The remaining 52hours per week includes bathing, eating, revising, home-working, finding more ways to generate income and everything else. Who said studying abroad will be easy?

Then i started to realize, the 3 years of study in Aus would eventually come to a dead end if i still continue to laze around, staring the computer all the time, waiting for others to finish their home works 1st so that i can copy and do all those stupid, nonsense + non-beneficial stuffs. Not trying to prove that i'd changed, its all just pure logical thinking here, the graduating cert will never be in my hands if things continued this way..

So, for my new year's resolution (since its just less than a week after new year, i still get the chance to alter my resolutions XD), i would like to add these :

7) Adapt self-discipline in life.
8) Learn to have self-esteem.
9) Enhance self-confidence.

Wow, those were 3 'self's... and i shall call it the Jun's 3 'Self' Rule.. won't be forgetting the 5th new year resolution, choo.. XD

Oya, the above 3 rules will only be implemented AFTER arriving in Aus. haha.. so, T&C applies.. Guess i'll still be enjoying life for now (while i still can).. =D

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Jan 5, 2010


It's time for me to pick the right university (or more to them picking me =.=). Either ways, i'd picked a few, which i'll let them pick me later on.. =D

Since i have my aunt and uncle living in Perth, there might be chances that Perth may be my next education destination (not 100% sure though, but otherwise, its KL)..If i were to study in Perth, accommodation wouldn't be much an issue, although it may take me a little longer to travel to either universities (which is least of my concern) compared the students' accommodation facilities near the respective universities.

Went talking to a university's representative yesterday with my parents and found out that my diploma was actually recognized and it shocked a hell outta me (had even thought of discontinuing my diploma and to hit A-levels instead). Was thinking of Curtin UOT at first, but since a person from the education counseling firm told us that UWA may accept my diploma too, it quickly became my first choice (but i don't really think UWA will accept, since it calls itself some sort of 'PRESTIGIOUS').

Got a collection of booklets from the universities too:

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Jan 1, 2010

Strike out 2009 and tick 2010

Its the 1st day of a new year and no need for me to mention, we all know that its the starting of the end of the decade, so thought it would be great to have my blog updated..

To review the past year:
Much had happened in the year 2009, and some had even changed me dramatically.. will list out those which i would like to emphasize on..

Spent the whole 2009 in college, did not enjoy going to college, every semester was like a raging battle against electronics stuffs, laws, mathematics, theories, equations, electrical components and more.. but no worries, 4more months to go.. and im free!!!!! (provided i didn't fail any of the subjects) and it should be, by then, the time of most dilemma, to decide which university to go for.. Besides that, 2009 was also the year i broke with my ex, and regain my freedom XD was so happy for getting back all my freedom and now i should appreciate all that im having.. XD

Year 2009 was also an important year as it decided which path i should proceed for my studies - the finance path.. In that year, i realized whom i would turn to when i had any non-academic problems and to whom i would share my feelings with.

Resolutions for the new year:
1) to finish my diploma ASAP
2) to spend more time with my family
3) to get enrolled in a university that is at least better than TARC or UTAR =.=
4) to learn more and perhaps to start an investment portfolio
5) kick Choo's balls when he is back in M'sia =D
6) GET A WATCH!!!!!

Ok, the last 2 might be a little bit overboard.. but who cares, its MY resolution and i get to choose what i like.. So, be careful Choo =]

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