Dec 12, 2009

Feeling Blue

Nose block + sore throat.. sounds bad? how bout adding some migraine and there-is-a-Starwalk-tommorow? and oya, don't forget the there-is-also-test on-monday-and-wednesday... cool rite? That's why im so not in the mood in doing anything now.. the sore throat is killing me.. everything i swallowed seemed to be a thousand needles to my throat.. and it cant be ignored..

Mum and dad went to collect goodies and tees for the starwalk, the free gift was like... walao, so many @.@ mum even placed it so neatly on the coffee table and i got shocked when i was home.. i saw these:

and these:

overall view:

compare these with those from the Penang Bridge Run and you'll find out... the Starwalk worth it more?


okok.. gla, your picture the picture i promised u, erm.. like... 3days ago? sorry lah, was rushing my assignments and tests.. lol:

see, see.. there's a "GLA" there in every of these car model.. lol.. it looked like a "CLA" but it was indeed a "GLA" XD see inokom and hyundai car makers love u soo much.. XD

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